I’m Giving Away the Farm

Blog February 27, 2013

Marie Forleo Changed My LifeSo I’m sitting at my computer getting my bookkeeping in order for tax time, and I just realized that I literally DOUBLED my income in 2012 from 2011. And even better, my income for the second half of 2012 was TRIPLE my income from the first half of 2012! HOLLA!

And 2013 is off to a great start. I’m growing and stretching myself, and it’s exhilarating.

Wanna know the difference between what I was doing in 2011 and what I’m doing now? It’s not my level of passion, my talent, or the amount of time I spend working on my business. The difference is that now I KNOW WHAT I’M DOING. And that, my dear reader, is because I learned from the BEST.

Last summer I enrolled in Marie Forleo’s online B-School course, and not only did it change my business, it changed my life!

B-School is an 8-week live interactive training program for modern entrepreneurs who want to leverage their online presence to make money and change the world.

Marie is wildly passionate about empowering entrepreneurs to succeed in business and life.  She is the go-to expert on leveraging online marketing to generate the highest profits, the best customers, and a business that makes money 24/7.  Seriously.

Enrollment is open now for the next round of B-School, and I just found out that the last day to register is Monday, March 4, so I wanted to let you know about it and encourage you to check it out – before it’s too late!

B-School is for entrepreneurs who fall into 1 of these categories:

1. Action-oriented, committed beginners doing business online.  You’re 1000% committed to making money online, you’re clear about your business goals but unclear exactly how to put all the pieces together and make money by leveraging your online presence and marketing online.  Committed but newbie writers, bloggers, coaches, consultants and experts (e.g., photographers, graphic designers, stylists, web developers, etc) who want to develop an online presence and fan base, and make money from it, are all ideal for B-School.

2. Already successful experts, authors, coaches, consultants, bloggers and writers who have an online presence but are not making as much money as they know they should be. There are women in the B-School community (oh yes – major bonus is the ridonculously amazing community of fellow B-Schoolers that become your friends, your resources, your cheerleaders, your experts, your saving grace!) who are active online and have established followings, but were not yet selling information products, group coaching programs, live events or high-end consulting – until now.

3.  Established relationship-based offline businesses who want to increase business and brand loyalty by leveraging their online presence. Think lingerie shop owner, an event producer, a massage therapist, or a restaurant owner. This gal wants to use her online presence to deepen customer relationships, acquire new customers and increase revenue.

And once you’ve done B-School, you have lifetime access to do it again and again! Last year I fell into category #1 above, and this time around I’m more in category #2 and so excited to go through the program again and implement in massive ways!  Do it with me!

The Weekly Modules Include the Six Pillars of Building Your Online Business:

1. Profit Clarity
2. Websites That Sell and Don’t Suck
3. Slam Dunk Communication Plan
4. List Building Mania
5. How to Create Products and Services That Practically Sell Themselves
6. Marketing Wisdom That Works Across Every Industry


Plus once you register, and before the program even starts, Marie shares with you the “Follow-Through Formula” – terrific short videos that’ll get you so pumped and inspired to hit the ground running.  (There’s a much more detailed breakdown of what’s covered in the 6 main B-School Modules here).

I am so excited about sharing B-School with you and the amazing possibilities for your business.

If you think B-School might be right for you, class starts soon and enrollment is open!  I am so committed to doing everything I can to  support you in taking your business to the next level – or even just getting it off the ground – I’m offering some BONUS goodies of my own because I am committed to seeing you SUCCEED.

Enroll in B-School through my affiliate link and you will also get this EXCLUSIVE bonus:

Weekly group coaching during the B-School course to keep you motivated and on track!

B-School is super content rich.  There’s a LOT of info and major implementation to do.  I’ll be honest: it can be overwhelming.  With nurturing and community support, we’ll be sure you don’t allow feelings of overwhelm or falling behind keep you from moving forward!  (After B-School enrollment closes, I will email you with the call dates/times).

I have never participated as an affiliate for any other service, product, program, or course EVER before, but I am so 1000% behind B-School and what Marie Forleo provides, that I just had to let you in on it!

If you have any questions AT ALL about B-School, I’m happy to chat.  Email me at stacy@stacyboegem.com, post questions or message me on my Facebook page, or feel free to give me a call.  (754) 206-3000.  But whatever you do, don’t miss the March 5 deadline.  Marie’s not offering B-School again till next year.  Now is the time!


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