The Most Important Thing Every New Mom Needs that Costs Nothing

Blog Mom Life June 6, 2012

Throughout your first pregnancy, you’re still one of the girls. You may not be able to drink, or stay out as late, but you’re still in the gang. Then, the baby comes. You’re home on maternity leave. Your friends are at work. Your spouse or partner is likely at work too. Chances are your friends that already have kids didn’t have them in the exact same moment you had yours; in other words, their kids are older and in different... View Article

I’m a Great Mom

Blog Mom Life May 9, 2012

Last year, when we were living in NYC, I was one of two class moms for my little man’s preschool class.  In other words, I was one of the “from” addresses in your inbox nagging you to volunteer or bring in money for the latest school event or class gift. This year, I’m one of the moms that sometimes needs to be nagged.  And let me say on behalf of all parents who sometimes need an extra reminder, thank you... View Article

The Happiness Agenda (VIDEO)

Blog Mom Life February 21, 2012

Happy Mardi Gras, people!  In today’s vlog, I announce lots of exciting developments going on around here.  I’m super psyched to be taking things to the next level, and really appreciate all of your support!  Please check out the vlog, and then click over to the new facebook page and click me a “Like”! Also, as you’ll hear in the vlog, I’d love your feedback on The Happiness Agenda manifesto, so please leave a comment below with your suggestions,... View Article