How to Find True Love w/ Nikki Novo

Blog Everything Else November 7, 2014

How to Find True Love - Video Thumbnail

When I first started dating Sacha, it was the second semester of MY LAST and HIS FIRST year in law school.

I was 3 months from graduation, after which I’d be studying for the bar all summer, and then heading up to NYC to start my job at the big firm.

He still had two years of law school to go – at Tulane – in New Orleans.

In other words, just as I’m getting ready to embark on my single “sex and the city” lifestyle in Manhattan, I meet this fabulous guy who would be spending the next two years several states away, and in another time zone.

I had done a wee bit of long distance before and wasn’t a fan.  And I had seen several friends struggle through long distance relationships with heartache and frustration.

But this guy kinda stuck on me.

He was different.  He was interesting.  He was passionate about things that matter.

And when we discovered that we had both been to Tunisia and both had parents who owned bed & breakfasts, wasn’t it fate?!?

We were using the L word within weeks.

We were mutually smitten.

Here’s the thing, though.

If we were going to build something strong enough in 3 months to get us through 2 full years of long distance – and come out the other side still in tact – we would need the foundation to be rock solid.  Otherwise the building would collapse with that kind of physical distance.

So, I made a very conscious choice.  And I told him out loud after the first month of dating.

I said – and this is not a precise quote – but it was something along the lines of, “Sacha, I have many different facets to my personality.  And I don’t want you to love me for one of them, or some of them.  I need you to love me for all of them, for all of me, for exactly who I am.

So I’m going to be 100% completely myself with you.  My sporty self, my romantic self, my articulate self, my outspoken self, my introverted self, my extroverted self, my nuturing self, my hippie self, all of it.”

He was like, “Cool.”

Probably wondering what the hell I was talking about.

But this was very important to me.

If I was going to commit to 2 years of long distance in my dating prime, no less, it better be for someone who loves the crap out of me.  Someone who loves me exactly as I am.  Someone who’s not looking to change me.

I thank my younger self often for setting that intention.

And even though at times I wanna kill him (not actually kill him, of course), I am so grateful to be on this journey with him.  And I don’t spend much time worrying about being alone.

So, when I picked up Nikki Novo’s new book, “Will I Be Alone Forever”, I wasn’t sure there’d be much in it for me.

But Nikki is a dear friend, talented writer, and an inspirational teacher to me and so many others, I knew I had to read her book at my first chance.

And boy am I better for it.

Nikki and I chatted about her book, her exploits as the “Cuban Carrie Bradshaw living in Miami,” and why NOT looking to find “THE ONE” may be the best way to find true love.

Since Nikki is such a powerful spiritual teacher, we also discussed the power of meditation as it relates to love and to creating your life’s work, so stay tuned till the end for that part.  It’s good stuff.

After you watch the interview, we’d love to hear your best advice for finding true love.  Leave us a Comment and share your wisdom – you never know who else is reading this and your comment is the one that changes his/her life.

p.s. Want more Nikki?  Meet her in person and catch her LIVE on stage at Connect Relate Activate LIVE! on January 30, 2015, where you can also pick up a signed copy of “Will I Be Alone Forever”.   Tickets are on sale now at the earlybird price.  You have till 11/21 and then prices go up, so get the scoop and REGISTER TODAY at

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