5 Key Ingredients of a SMART Goal

Business Tips June 25, 2015

If you told me your goal was to lose weight, I wouldn’t have a whole lot of confidence if your readiness, willingness, or commitment to achieving that goal.

You know why?

It’s not a SMART goal.

Don’t get me wrong.  It might be an incredibly important goal for you, especially if you’re suffering health issues as a result of your weight, or are starting to outgrow your clothes and can’t afford to invest in a larger wardrobe, or for a variety of other reasons.

But if you said, “My goal is to lose 10 lbs. by Labor Day” – well, now we’re talking.

Let me explain.

SMART is actually an acronym when it comes to goal-setting.  It describes the 5 key ingredients that any good goal needs to have.

5 key ingredients of a smart goal with stacy boegem1.  A “Smart” Goal Must be SPECIFIC

Clearly define exactly what you want to accomplish.  Your goal should answer the who, what, where, why, and how questions.

A specific goal could be: “I want to lose 10 pounds by eliminating simple sugars from my diet, riding my bike 4 times a week, and cutting out alcohol during the week.”

2.  A “Smart” Goal Must be MEASURABLE

Quantify exactly what you want to achieve.  This is critical so that you KNOW when you’ve achieved it!

With the generic “lose weight” goal, technically you’ve achieved it when you’ve lost 1 pound, right?

So put a measure on your goal so you’re working toward something clear and concrete.

3.  A “Smart” Goal Must be Attainable

Don’t set yourself up for failure.

Set a goal for yourself that may require you to reach beyond your comfort zone, or work harder than you’re accustomed to, but if you’ve never run a day in your life, don’t set a goal of completing a marathon within 30 days.  Not attainable, and therefore, not smart.

4.  A “Smart” Goal Must be Realistic

Check your goal against your calendar, your prior commitments, and the rest of your life.

It may be attainable to lose 10 pounds by Labor Day, but if you’re spending the next month traveling on a culinary road trip through New Orleans, stopping for Tex-Mex in Texas, and ending in Mexico for authentic margaritas and chilequiles, then your 10 pound weight loss goal isn’t so realistic.

Some people use the R for Relevant.

This works too.

If you’re setting a goal that’s not something you actually WANT or NEED to achieve, it’s probably not relevant to your business or life.  Fuhgettaboutit.

5.  A “Smart” Goal Must be Time-Bound

By when do you want to achieve your goal?

Make sure to create a timeframe around your goal.

By your birthday?  Within 2 months?  By close of business Monday?

Your goal needs a deadline.

Commit to your deadline, and then work backwards from there to create your action plan for getting it done.

* * *

Stacy Boegem CRA Goal-Setting Action PageOk, now comes your CRA Assignment!

What do you want to achieve that you are willing to commit to?

What SMART goal will you create for yourself?

Write it down in the Comments below.

Remember, announcing our intentions to others greatly increases our follow through with the power of social accountability.

Write your SMART goal in the Comments, and we’ll be here to cheer you on!

I read every single comment, and would love to hear what you’re taking action on in your own business and life!



Enrollment closes Wednesday, July 1 @ 3 PM (EST) for the Clarity + Action Mastermind.  Read all about it here.

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