Business Tips Mom Life
August 28, 2014
Click here to listen to the REPLAY of my teleseminar in which I shared the 3 keys to take you from stay-at-home supermom to modern mompreneur. NOTE: The Replay is PASSWORD PROTECTED, and the password expires Monday, September 15, at 11:59 PM (EST). The password is TAKEACTION (all caps). CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE REPLAY
Blog Business Tips
August 24, 2014
We go into business for a reason. We are passionate about helping people solve a specific problem – committed to making their lives easier, or richer, or more fulfilling in some way. When we start out, we are driven by a mission to truly make a difference – while earning an income – in a way that is authentic and rewarding. And then, in so many cases, something happens. While we’re so busy hustling to sell our wares, get new... View Article
Business Tips
February 5, 2014
It really does take a village to to “have your mom cake and eat it too” – the life of a mompreneur is unique and busy and rewarding and can be a roller coaster, but we wouldn’t trade it for anything, right? But what if your business fails? It happens, and there IS life after. Take it from my friend Teana. Teana is one woman who is totally committed to thriving as an entrepreneur, and her story is hugely inspiring... View Article
Business Tips
January 21, 2014
“I’ll try,” she said. “You’ll try?” I said. “Yes, I’ll try,” she said. That’s when I stopped her. “You’re not working with me so you can ‘try’ to take action,” I said. “You’re working with me because you are committed to taking action, right?” “Right,” said my client, looking a bit confused. Here’s the thing. When you’re meeting a friend for a movie, you set a time to meet up, and then you show up at that time. When you’ve... View Article
Business Tips
January 14, 2014
My word for 2013 was COMMIT. And I did. I accomplished some big stuff in 2013. I have to consciously remind myself of that. Because, to be honest, there was a lot I wanted to accomplish that I didn’t. It wasn’t a lack of work ethic. Lack of ideas. Or lack of drive. It was fear. Fear of not getting it exactly how I wanted it. My word for 2014: FLY. I am setting a clear intention that when the... View Article
Business Tips
December 12, 2013
I woke up this morning with such a sweet little treat in my inbox, it not only made my day, but it was an example of damn good business. I knew I had to share, because not only is it super cute, but it’s something we can all learn from when it comes to client service in running our businesses. This, my friends, is my new Facebook timeline cover image. I didn’t ask for it. I didn’t even hint I... View Article
Business Tips
December 3, 2013
As we kick off December and are busy with shopping, cooking, party-going, toy drives, and school plays, many of us start thinking about what next year might have in store for us. What direction to take, what new endeavors to embark on… For me, it was the end of 2010 when I started getting serious about pursuing a certification in coaching and launching my new entrepreneurial endeavor. There was so much I didn’t know – how to get started, where... View Article
Business Tips
October 25, 2013
I am coming to you with a problem, and I believe you a part of the solution. I’ve been writing content and creating videos for three years now, and every time I create something new to share with you, the response I get reinforces why I do all of this in the first place. You’ve told me that when you read my posts and watch my videos, you feel like I am speaking directly to you. You’ve told me my... View Article